Thursday, August 19, 2010

Until Now Chapter 2

Taylor dropped me at my dorm after our 5 minute tour and 30 minute chinese food break. Its not as big as they make it out to be, nor as beautiful. A funny bit about Taylor, she is the kindest, softest individual but so hard to hit to the core, or maybe her core is just different than mine. As I approached the door to my new flat, I felt cautious. It was uglier than I'd imagined. Cold dark bricks, no sign of a garden or shrubbery, just dirt where the brick ends. I paused a moment to take it all in and reached for the door. I soon found out it was locked. With no one in sight around my barren new home, I waited. About 30 minutes later a girl to opened up the big glass door, I quietly scurried in behind her, trying stupidly to prove that I belonged to this ugly building, even though my heart scarcely believed it. As I approached the 2nd floor I was greeted by a small kenyan girl. She was younger than I and now took the title R.A. Apparently I can't get a key until tomorrow, nor food. I went to room 222, the room I'd so carefully chosen so I wouldn't forget it. Ashley, roomate #1 greeted me warmly, yet coldly at the same time. I got a hello and a smile as she continue to tend to her mac. I sort of imagined a "wow, so tell me new roomie, how was your trip, lets be best friends" type of speach but was now left alone. No cell, no luggage, no blankets, nothing. I was a whole lot less of a person since I left this morning. To explain my current empty situation further, I forgot to mention that the airport has lost my luggage containing every piece of clothing that belongs to me. I opted not to take my cell, believing that I wouldn't need it in college/ my mom didn't let me take mine. And the bedding and decorations I'd shipped from Ikea apparently hadn't arrived either. So here I am, alone with my thoughts, which took me to my departure from Sky Harbour Airport . I didn't sleep last night because I was packing and saying goodbye to friends. I suddenly realized that I hadn't felt nervous... until now. I thought about my jellybean goodbye in the Starbucks parking lot with Jarred. His weak attempt to kiss me one last time was much more endearing than my lack of one from Caleb. I thought about my final vie for his attention and the "sorry you're too late" note he posted on the outside of my window. Its funny how Caleb has always had a way of leaving me hopeful, even in a rejection letter. You expect a hand written note posted to your 2nd floor room to be romantic. Not this one. I guess I deserve it though. I should let whats over be over. Caleb and I dated for year and it ended in January. Well, not really. I can't quite remember who did the breaking but when Jarred took me to his best friends wedding as a date, Caleb took it as dead and done. When he found out I was leaving for Virginia I think he wanted to rekindle our flames but a close friend of ours told him I felt otherwise. I guess he believed her or was finished with me because over the summer he's gained some type of bitter taste towards me, leaving me with remaining feelings. Jarred on the other hand was not one to give up merely on one persons word, not even on many people's words. Virtually all his friends, my friends and even myself told him I was wasting his time. He either doesn't care or doesn't hear because his goodbye was much sweeter than the, "you're too late" note posted on my window. His goodbye involved jellybeans( my favourite candy) and the other type of hand written note. My thoughts were interrupted by two large southern girls. They were making their rounds meeting new girls on the hall. They jumped on my empty bed and gave me the distraction i needed, southern hospitality. And until now... I hadn't smiled in central virginia.

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