Friday, October 2, 2009

My life as the Yacht and Beach Soap Star

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts"- William Shakespeare

I believe that most everyone has a flair for the dramatics. We know how to manipulate for that last piece of cheesecake. We know how to play it cool when he walks by. We even know the timing for inappropriate and professional behavior. Most of the time. People make fun of soap operas but if you take a small peek at what is going on around you, your probably living in one. I've become increasingly aware of this fact since my first day at the Yacht and Beach club.
This week on days of the yacht and beach club; Lifeguard Shane was rounding second base with a guest under bridge two... during his break. Lifeguard Jodi was guarding said water. As the Coordinator passed by she realized that Shane's job was now on the line. She immediately ran to him, giving him only seconds to get away before the coordinator saw. Three days prior, 5 members of the Yacht and Beach lifeguard team, including lifeguard Jodi and her Latin friend,2 members of the recreation team and 1 yacht and beach bellhop were riding a Disney Cast member bus to work. It was a rainy yet warm day in central Florida, as these cast members were riding along. Suddenly the bus hydroplaned, sending its occupants into a tizzy. After turning multiple times the bus driver gained control and rode his occupants into a nearby median, dodging a small SUV and the occupants imminent death. This incident made all the Disney Cast members late. So late that they didn't notice the large hickey imprinted on the neck of lifeguard Chase. On the day of lifeguard Shane's indiscretion, lifeguard Jodi confided in lifeguard Chase. She explained the dangerous, yet wildly hilarious moment. She then realized the mark on Lifeguard Chase's neck. His explanation; Minnie Mouse.
Tune in next week to see what happens when the pushy English lad and young American lifeguards have a dance. And how will Lifeguard Jodi deal with her Latin friends risky behavior. Is lifeguard Lane a lesbian? Check it out, next week.

(all names besides Jodi's.. and Minnie's are changed for cast member confidentiality)

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